What is a SMALL group?

At TFCA, a small group is a group of people who are committed to engaging in spiritual growth and formation in community with one another over time. Our small groups represent a core way in which our church community seeks to follow Jesus by answering His call to love one another. It is through this community that we discover how we can authentically express that same love to our neighbors both near and far. 

How are Small Groups structured?

Small group sign-ups will be open from January 30 - Feb. 20th. Groups will run from January - to May with two breaks (Holy Week and Summer Break). Most groups will meet weekly for 1.5 hours, and in most cases, will follow the sermon guide. Unless a new group is requested, following the summer break, you are able to continue with your group for the remainder of the year.

This year, we are offering a variety of group formats to accommodate varying comfort levels and needs during this unique season.

  • In-person indoors

  • In-person outdoors

  • Virtual

  • Hybrid

Interested in joining a SMALL group?

Join us! Browse the various groups below and submit your top two choices. Within a few days, the staff team will be in touch via email regarding your group assignment. Once you are placed in a group, your small group leader(s) will be reaching out to welcome you to the group and provide additional group-specific details. We look forward to growing together in this exciting new season!



Isaiah Brooms
Pastor for Community Life

New Small Groups and openings will be added between Jan. 30th - Feb. 20th.

*You can narrow your scope using the search functions below. If you find you are unable to see all the groups, simply refresh your brower. The locations provided are an approximation within 1-3 miles of the small group's primary location.