Rachel Medefind: Longing and Celebration

For me, the church calendar is something that's fairly new, I would say in the last few years, that's become something very meaningful to me on a private level. I'd actually like to incorporate it more into our family life. But I'll just say that Advent itself is a time of longing and it's an expression of our desire and ache for something that is, and isn't yet. That's just such a shared human sentiment and in a way, our Christmas season on a secular level and often how we celebrate it as Christians, leaves out room for just that longing and that time of anticipation. So I love the church calendar for that reason in that it allows me to anticipate, come thou long expected Jesus.

Then when Christmas does come, I think traditionally I would anticipate when Christmas Day arrived or I would say Christmas Eve was a day of some of the most joyful Christmas moments and then Christmas Day would come, and I would find that I would begin to be disappointed by the middle of the day, because it's all going to end. But with the Christmas calendar, actually, it's only the beginning and there's several days of Christmas to come of wonderful celebration. So I just have found a lot of personal delight in that it is a spiritual journey, but also just in the natural progression of the human heart of longing and then celebration and having it not end right away. So that's been a joy for me to discover.